Black Tie Digital

4 Factors Affecting Your Social Shares

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Are your blogs share-worthy? Getting people to read your blog is one thing, but getting people to click the “share” button is a whole different game. When writing buzz-creating content it helps to know what people like to share. Recent research revealed just what drives those readers to click the almighty share button, and we’d like to pass some of that information on to you here.

At Black Tie Digital Marketing we track everything, including which posts generate the most engagement. If it’s measurable, we measure it. As the late Karl Pearson said, “That which is measured improves.” According to a recent Social Media Examiner article, the following factors greatly impact a person’s decision to share or not to share:

While these four factors will certainly help you optimize your content marketing and social media strategies, remember that measurement and your own engagement are the keys to share-worthiness.


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