Black Tie Digital

Does Your Marketing Plan Fully Utilize Social Media?

Some people think Social Media is a passing fad that will eventually fade out, but our Melbourne, Florida Social Media professionals will convince you otherwise.

As the younger generations grow, Social Media and connecting with others via the Internet is growing equally as fast. Many businesses’ have hopped on board the Social Media train and use it to it’s fullest potential. Are you?

Social networking now accounts for 22% of all time spent online in the US. You need to sign up for a Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ account right now. Seriously, open a new tab and sign up. They will allow you to connect with a larger audience building your cliental and allowing people to talk about your business. The more targeted people who are aware of your brand, the greater the chance you have of turning those into leads, paying clients and brand advocates. There are also SEO benefits to social media. Brands that get a lot of interaction on social sites will most likely see a boost in organic ranking. Google is already beginning to incorporate social into their algorithms.

The users of your brand are the best people to learn from when it comes to making things better. By giving them the opportunity to post their feedback and great experiences on your wall or Tweet them to you, you share those stories with your friends and followers. This will put your business in front of targeted audiences encouraging them to give your business a try.

These accounts help humanize your brand. It puts a face behind the company and allows customers to create a relationship with you. They don’t see the company as some corporate business with whom they can’t talk to. They will view you as a real person who is there to talk with, to answer questions, and provide valuable inside information. Building one on one relationships with customers will encourage them become repeat customers. They will trust you and view your business as reputable.

If you are struggling with the use of Social Media tools in your business then contact Black Tie Digital Marketing today; we offer training and consulting on Social Media Sites.

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