Black Tie Digital

Finding Your E-Voice

At Black Tie Digital Marketing, we have talked a lot about your business posting to social media sites and the importance of taking part in this marketing platform. However, our loyal readers know that just because you post sporadically doesn’t mean your site it making an impact on your followers. The Huffington Post shared a article on finding your e-voice. This is the voice that you use on your company’s Facebook and Twitter pages. Of course, this will be different than how you post on your personal pages. Facebook status updates are a forum to share:

• Observations

• Travel plans

• Recipes

• Current events

• Daily goings on in your life

However, the status updates for your businesses’ Facebook is not a place to deviate from what your followers expect from you. Drastically switching your content may confuse your followers and some of them may dislike the changes. So stick to what works for you and what you customers expect from you.

Twitter, on the other hand, has less rules it seems when it comes to finding your e-voice. This platform gives you a chance to post different tweets as an experiment in finding what your followers will respond to and engage with. It’s less noticeable and less heartbreaking if someone stops following you on Twitter rather than on Facebook. This is because Twitter is more about the tweeter’s sense of freedom to explore their own voice, to find whatever suits them, and their mood.

Some consumers would rather connect to a brand on Facebook, like I would, because it’s where I stay updated on what’s going on around me and in my life. It’s where I get my news. For me, Twitter is more about my creative side and I usually only follow funny or interesting people. Their tweets entertain me and I look to Twitter to bring a smile to my face when I need it.

So my advice would be to stick with what is working for you on Facebook and keep doing what engages your followers. On Twitter, you have more of a creative license because the attitudes of your followers are going to differ significantly depending on what your followers are using Twitter for. Contact our team at 1.800.316.8030 to learn about how we can help you manage these Internet marketing platforms or how we can help you with web design in Melbourne, Florida.


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