Black Tie Digital

How To Choose The Best Keywords For Your SEO Campaign


When Black Tie Digital Marketing starts a Search Engine Optimization campaign for your company, one of the first steps we take is to brainstorm keywords so when a user searches for specific keywords or phrases related to your business, you show up in their results. But how do you choose the right keywords? Try to put yourself in the shoes of your customers and think to yourself, “If I were looking for a business like mine, what would I search for?” Once you can answer that question effectively you’ll have an awesome start to your SEO campaign.

In order to come up with the best possible keywords that relate to your website, you should start by making a list. Write down all the words and phrases that are relevant to the content of your site. By brainstorming and creating a list, you may actually discover more keywords or phrases than the original ones that popped into your head. You also want to check out keywords that link to your competitor’s site so you can narrow down which ones to use, and which to avoid. There is no sense in using a type of keyword or phrase, such as “cars”, which a lot or most of your competition are using as well, and if their site’s are ranked high up in the search engine’s index, then you might have a difficult time going up against that. Also make sure you incorporate your location into your keyword or phrase. If you are located in Melbourne, Florida and include those keywords into your Search Engine Optimization, you can fair better in your page ranking.

When you are looking to start an SEO Campaign in Melbourne, Florida then give our team at Black Tie Digital a call so we can help your website rank higher and your business grow!

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