Black Tie Digital

Mom was right: you have to share

As children are about to get another lesson on sharing with their new Christmas presents, we’re reminded that mom was right: sharing matters. And we’ve taken those lessons to the Internet with record sharing rates in 2013.

In his Marketing Land article, Greg Finn couples news on Facebook sharing increases with an analysis of sharing design. As it turns out, web design impacts user behavior even when it comes to sharing news. In November 2013, Facebook redesigned its “Like” and “Share” buttons to remove the classic thumb icon. And an analysis of sharing shows “a pattern of slow, steady growth emerged, until last month (when the new share buttons launched)” when shares jumped 169.88% over the previous year.

While the jump likely isn’t due to the button redesign alone, the redesign obviously didn’t deter users from sharing. And that says something about web design and user-centered design that Black Tie Digital Marketing always keeps in mind: design matters. Make it user-friendly, easy, responsive, and beautiful and watch your site grow!

If you’re considering a new web strategy and design overhaul, give us a call today. We’re your Melbourne FL digital marketing agency for a comprehensive suite of services designed to help your business rock online. Let’s get started!


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