Black Tie Digital

Page Power: Facebook Mobile Pages Get a Facelift

Social media site on tablet, facebook, facebook page updates

Great news! Facebook Pages are getting even better, and businesses across every industry and sector are rejoicing. In response to the increasingly mobile nature of web usage, Facebook will be rolling out key updates to make Pages more mobile-friendly and user-friendly. Here’s the Black Tie take on Facebook’s facelift:

Facebook Page Updates Heading Your Way

Mobile-Friendly Page Layout

There are more mobile devices in operation than there are people on the planet. So it’s safe to say that having a mobile presence is a big deal, and this fact hasn’t escaped the notice of Facebook. To make Pages more mobile-friendly, Facebook is changing the layout to include tabs for each Page section – allowing a visitor to get the information they need in a streamlined fashion, while eliminating cumbersome scrolling and clicking.

Expanded Messaging Abilities

Lots of things happened in the world of messaging, and all of them for the better…

Bigger and Brighter Call-to-Action Buttons

Motivating visitors to take action when they land on your Page is a key objective for your Facebook presence. Facebook has made the Call-to-Action button more prominent in the mobile design by placing it directly under the cover photo and re-designing the button to make it bigger and brighter. Initial button options include: Call Now, Send Message, and Contact Us – with Facebook promising more options to come in the future.

New Page Sections

Facebook realizes that not every business is the same; coming soon will be a variety of sections that can be incorporated into a Page to reflect specific objectives. First up, businesses will be able to add a ‘Shop’ section or ‘Services’ section. This will enable Page visitors to more quickly ascertain what retail businesses or service providers have available and take corresponding action.

Page Power

The newer look and expanded capabilities of mobile Pages is sure to give Facebook users an even better experience – and that means even more value in social media for your business. If your Facebook Page is out-of-date, incomplete, or non-existent (yikes), now is the perfect time to remedy the situation and put the power of Pages to work for your business!

You know that having a social media presence is an important part of a successful Internet marketing strategy. So take advantage of the changes Facebook is making and keep your Page on the cutting edge. If you’re looking for a partner in executing this and other Internet marketing strategies, give Black Tie a call today. We look forward to helping you reach more people and more objectives!

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