Black Tie Digital

Social media management: notifications and distractions

At Black Tie Digital Marketing, we partner with small businesses to coordinate Melbourne FL SEO and social media marketing efforts. One of the most challenging tasks for biz owners new to social media is balancing engagement with distraction.

The key for any social media marketing campaign is engagement with your customers and clients. When they like, comment, share, and message your biz, they want to know they’re working with a real live person behind the profile. That means you’ve got to do more than just post; you’ve got to show up to interact and engage.

But how do you keep that engagement from taking valuable time away from your business? How can you keep yourself from getting distracted by every notification that customers are interacting with your brand on social media?

There’s no magic formula and the right balance for your biz likely depends on how much revenue is generated through your social media marketing efforts. Another possibility is logging in to social media primarily when you see customers engaging the most. If you try to meet them online during high-traffic times, you’re more likely to maximize your interactions in a shorter time span.

Do focus on engagement in your social media efforts, and don’t be distracted by every notification. It’s a delicate balance, and we’re your Melbourne FL social media marketing agency to help!

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