Black Tie Digital

What’s The Perfect Length For A Tweet?

Black Tie Digital Marketing knows you love Twitter as much as we do, but do you ever wonder if your tweets are long enough or even too long? It’s tough to decide the length of your tweet, and sometimes it’s even harder to fit all you have to say in 140 characters. Sometimes I have to go back and rework and reword and then delete spaces and if I can’t make it fit, I simply don’t post it and the world will never know the fleeting thought passing through my head.

Anyhow, what’s the optimal length for companies looking to increase engagement on Twitter? On Twitter, smaller is NOT better. A study from Track Social found that on Facebook, engagement generally decreases as the post length increase probably because people get too bored. However, on Twitter, the opposite happens, with engagement increasing at the Tweet length increases. Tiny messages simply do not stand out as much on Twitter and can easily be overlooked. Track Social reported that, “engagement levels on Twitter actually increase with length, are relatively flat between 70 and 110 characters, and then roll off as the 140 character limit approaches.”

According to Track Social, “the perfect Tweet length appears to be around 100 characters.” Although these Tweets found more response with followers, it doesn’t mean that if you use 100 characters your Tweet will be successful. Make sure it’s a relvant, interesting Tweet that your followers will enjoy seeing on their news feed. If you need help managing your Social Media in Melbourne, Florida then give us a call today!

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