Black Tie Digital

Winning Social Media Strategies for Small Businesses

At Black Tie Digital Marketing, we believe that an integrated digital presence including a search engine optimized website, unique content, consistent content creation through blogging, and a strong social media presence all work together to strengthen a business’s web presence. That’s why we offer a suite of services that together serve up higher search engine rankings and more business over time. But while Black Tie handles these elements, there are certain things business owners can do to strengthen the impact of these services. One is simple: grow the fanbase!

Depending on your industry and your market, we may recommend that your social media strategy focus on certain channels. Nearly every small business needs a Facebook and Twitter presence, and many businesses could also benefit from branding through Pinterest or LinkedIn. Whatever social media strategy reaches your customers, we’ll produce content but we rely on YOU to build the fanbase. And it’s not difficult. Here are a few easy steps to get going:

  1. You’ve got an existing client base. Invite them in! Email your client list and ask them to “like” your page or follow you on Twitter. Offer discounts for check-ins and likes, and they’ll sign up!
  2. Seek them out. Every business has a few “magnet” folks who just keep bringing people back. Figure out who some of your all-stars are, sign into your social media accounts, and seek them out. Invite them to like your page or follow you from within the social media forum and make connections.
  3. Hang a sign. No, really, one of the best ways to get your customers to find you on Facebook is to tell them you’re there. Put a “Like us on Facebook” sign at your register and watch the crowd grow.
  4. Participate in the community! Get out there networking in “real life” and watch those contacts reflect back through social media. Then social media becomes a great way to strengthen bonds already in place in your community. Participate in community events, post about it, and watch the links multiply.

As the fanbase grows, we partner with you to communicate across these media channels to build business, website visits, and ultimately increase your search engine ranking for new business exposure. So invite your clients and customers to communicate with you in digital spaces today and let your Melbourne FL social media marketing firm help grow your business!

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