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See What You Want to See in Your News Feed

When it comes to marketing your business online, there is no substitute for social media. While social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have flexed their marketing muscles, they can also bombard you with an excess of information, wanted or not. As your resource for Melbourne, FL social media optimization we’d like to share several pieces of advice to help customize your Facebook news feed with you here:

  • Hide posts from particular pages. If you’re tired of seeing links shared from a certain page, you can choose to hide future posts.
  • Unfollow the people you don’t want to hear from anymore. Gone are the days of needing to “unfriend” somebody to silence his or her Facebook rants. By simply unfollowing them, you will remain friends, but their posts will no longer appear in your news feed.
  • Tell Facebook when you see posts that you’d no longer like to see. The more posts you tell Facebook you don’t like, the better chance you give Facebook at learning your preferences.
  • Manage your news feed preferences through your main settings. Here you will find a summary of viewed content and unfollowed pages.
  • Take advantage of Facebook’s survey. Facebook has created a survey with the purpose of learning what you like to see and helping to improve your news feed.

At Black Tie Digital Marketing, we hope that you find this information helpful in regard to regaining control of your news feed. If you’re curious how our Melbourne, FL social media optimization team can harness the power of Facebook and other platforms to successfully market your business, please contact us today.