4 Great Words: “Claim This Offer Now!”
So recently I had a first experience on Facebook and I wanted to share with all of our Black Tie Digital Marketing followers so you could benefit from this practice as well. Facebook Offers. I know I wrote about this a while back but I never fully grasped the awesomeness of this new feature that Facebook has added. I was scrolling through my newsfeed the other day when it notified me that a friend had claimed an offer at Amazon for $5 off a purchase of $25. Now while $5 by itself doesn’t seem like much, during the holiday season I’ll take anything I can get.
Once I clicked on this offer, it brought me to their website and told me to share this offer on Facebook in order to claim my offer. Not only does this get shared to all of my friends on Facebook, it also promotes positive word-of-mouth. I shop at Amazon all the time, so of course I called my sister and told her to go claim it and she shared it with all of her friends. Another great benefit to the Facebook offer is that it increases your sales. The first thing I did after I claimed that offer was bought $25 worth of Christmas presents that I already planned on buying, but since I could get a deal at Amazon I chose to shop there.
These Facebook Offers are definitely something you should try out and see how your fans and followers respond to it. People love a good deal, or even just $5 off. Give it a try and see how it works! If you need help managing your Social Media Marketing in Melbourne, Florida then give our team at Black Tie Digital Marketing a call today!