Don’t Count Twitter Out
Although many people might not count Twitter as a viable marketing resource, Black Tie Digital Marketing wants you to reconsider that thought. A report from eMarketer estimates that Twitter will hit $129.7 million in U.S. mobile ad revenues this year compared to $72 million for Facebook.
The Next Web shared that Twitter has over 140 million users and sees about 340 million tweets per day. Business Insider ranked Whole Foods as the top brand on Twitter. They currently have 2,959,995 followers and tweet to their customers to get feedback on what customers like and what they wish was different.
The more passionate you are about your company and your brand, the more your followers will want to engage with you. People are intrigued by the human voice behind your brand and especially if you are big company, they find it easier to connect to you via social media outlets. These outlets, especially Twitter, allow you to speak directly to your customers. You have the ability to share whatever you want to encourage them to do business with you.
Many people who don’t use Twitter don’t understand it’s usefulness and how it allows you to connect to people in a whole different way than Facebook. I was reluctant to hop on the Twitter train, but now that I have I don’t plan on getting off anytime soon. Even though when you tweet there’s a chance one person reads it or a thousand people read it, it still feels like a more intimate connection than Facebook. I believe this is because when you read a single tweet, you aren’t subject to the 39 comments and thoughts other people decided to share. This person’s tweet is between you and no one else.
When you decide to take on Twitter as a marketing tool, feel free to contact us anytime with Internet Marketing questions or web design in Melbourne, Florida.