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How “Likeable” Are Your Instagram Posts?

As your social media optimization team in Melbourne, Florida, we are continually seeking powerful strategies to help clients connect with their customers. While not all social media platforms are the appropriate choice for every brand, Instagram has recently proven to be a popular and effective way for companies of all kinds to garner genuine interaction with customers. Like with any social media platform, there are more effective ways to post than others. Alexandra Jacopetti’s recent Social Media Today article explores several different types of Instagram posts that are most “likeable,” which we’d like to share with you here:

  • Announcements: Have exciting company news to share like a new employee, location, or product? Share it by using fun imagery to make your customers as amped up as you are about the news.
  • Themes: Themed Instagram posts are a good excuse to create your own hashtag. For example, Jacopetti’s article highlights Red Bull’s use of their brightly colored cans to form country flags in order to join the conversation during the recent World Cup. Their hashtag? #WorldCan.
  • Teasers: Is your company expecting a big change? Share hints or periodically remind people about the change that’s around the corner in order to create some buzz for your biz.
  • User Images: There’s no better way to engage your customers than encouraging them to post their own images and offering them the chance to have their post shared by your company.

Authentic posts breed authentic relationships with your customer base. At Black Tie Digital Marketing, our goal is to bridge the online gap between our clients and their consumers. If you’re interested in upgrading your social media presence, contact our team today.