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Tweak Your Twitter Techniques for a Digital Marketing Edge

At Black Tie Digital Marketing, we believe that digital marketing is simply a new way to foster the personal connections that have always been the backbone of any business growth strategy. Twitter is a social media platform that helps facilitate conversation between a company and its customers. Social Media Examiner recently suggested several ways to boost conversations on Twitter and we wanted to share our favorites with you here:

  • Create a welcoming profile. When somebody searches for your business, the first thing they’ll see is your profile. Your profile should represent your brand like a storefront would.
  • Use visual content. A large majority of the information transferred through the brain is visual. Visual information is easier to process and often more enjoyable to experience, which can increase a viewer’s engagement with your brand.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Follow this old saying to maximize Twitter connection success: if you want your message to get across, don’t bury it by pushing your character limit to the edge.
  • Ask. Asking your customers questions is one of the easiest way to give your customers attention and keep them involved.
  • Share. Sharing relative content is a way to keep yourself from Tweeting just to Tweet. Whether it is your original content or something you wish to share with your customers, it can help them stay engaged.

As your Melbourne, Florida social media optimization team, we look forward to enhancing your digital presence. Revamping your social media strategy for better engagement is just one step of the process. Contact us today to find out more about how we can make your business stand out online.